Helping you stay safe and secure online

Cyber Security and Scams

Government agencies such as the Australian Cyber Security Centre are receiving a high number of reports of COVID-19 related scams targeting the public. It remains BOQ’s priority to ensure we help you stay safe and secure online. 

COVID-19 scam techniques seen to date include:

  • Fake text messages and emails that direct individuals to click on fraudulent links or to provide personal and sensitive data
  • Products sold as supposed vaccines
  • Illegitimate charities requesting donations
  • Phone calls impersonating government authorities and leading health organisations
  • Investment opportunities arising from the COVID-19 pandemic.

We recommend you take your time and think before you click. If in doubt, we encourage you to validate the authenticity of a message by checking with the sender via another channel (e.g. phone call to a number listed on their corporate website).  

If you have given out sensitive data such as your banking password, change your password and contact us immediately.


Remote Access Scams

Remote access scams try to convince you that you have a computer or internet problem and that you need to buy new software to fix the problem.


  • Never give an unsolicited caller remote access to your computer.
  • Never give your personal, credit card or online account details over the phone unless you made the call and the phone number came from a trusted source. If you receive an unexpected phone call about your computer and remote access is requested – hang up – even if the caller mentions a well-known company.
  • Telecommunications providers do not request credit card details over the phone to fix computer or telephone problems and are not affiliated with any companies that do.
  • Make sure your computer is protected with regularly updated anti-virus and anti-spyware software, and a good firewall. Research first and only purchase software from a source that you know and trust. If you have fallen victim to a scam or you receive a lot of unsolicited emails and phone calls, consider changing your email address and phone numbers.

If you receive a call like this, make sure you don’t give out any details and hang up straight away.