BOQ Teams to Wear PJs to Work to Launch Kids Hospitals Appeal

Thursday, 30/06/2011

BOQ staff around the country are ironing their flannelette pyjamas and shining up their slippers to help launch the annual children’s hospitals appeal. 

On 1 July, branch staff around the country will be wearing their PJs to work to launch BOQ’s Banking on our Kids appeal which aims to get sick Aussie kids back to their own beds. 

BOQ Managing Director David Liddy said the appeal was unique in that one donation would go to help five different hospitals right around the country. 

“Because money donated to Banking on our Kids goes to Children’s Hospital Foundations Australia (CHFA), which is a partnership of major children’s hospitals in Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth and Adelaide, by donating once you’re actually helping sick and injured kids right around the country!” David said. 

“And it’s not just the kids in capital cities you’re helping either!  More than 50% of admissions at these hospitals over the past year were from kids in regional areas who have had to visit their capital city for treatment,” he said. 

“We think it’s a great appeal and are hoping to make 2011 our biggest year yet!  In fact, if we can raise more than $275,000 around the country this year, we will have raised a total of $1,000,000 since launching the appeal in 2004!  

“Aussies are so generous and compassionate, so we’re confident we’ll be able to hit that $1,000,000 mark.” 

David said BOQ people right around the country were looking forward to dressing up for the day and throwing their support behind the appeal. 

“Banking on our Kids is very close to our hearts because we’re all children, parents, grandparents, uncles, or aunties,” he said. 

“We understand that bedtime is a special time for children and parents. Even bad days are cured by story-time and goodnight kisses. 

“And sick kids in hospital aren’t just battling illnesses; they’re also battling home-sicknesses. Every kid wants to be at home getting tucked in by Mum and Dad; to be surrounded by their own toys and be in their own bed. 

“So that’s why we’re urging people to get behind the appeal and help sick kids get back to their own beds, quicker.