Shop-person learning about payment options

Get paid into your account

Make tax time easier and manage business transactions all in the one place. All you need to do is provide your BSB and account number.

BOQ has a wide range of payment solutions to suit your business.

Payment solutions 

Person finding out about accounting packages

Integrate into your accounting program

Keep your accounting records up to date by automatically importing your bank transactions into your accounting program.  At BOQ you can set up direct imports into most accounting packages including Xero, MYOB and more.

Accounting packages

person using their business debit card with their laptop

Set up regular payments

Keep your personal and business expenses separate by using your Business Visa Debit card to pay your suppliers and other business related expenses.  Never miss a payment by setting up  automated bill payments onto your card.                                                                                                 

Business Visa Debit card


Person setting up their digital wallet

Set up digital wallet

Add your new BOQ Business Visa Debit Card to your digital wallet for faster, safer and more secure contactless payments with your compatible digital devices.         


Digital wallet



Helping you at every stage of your business journey