Unrecognised Transaction
Sometimes a business, such as your favourite restaurant, can trade under a different name to what appears on your statement. Look up the merchant’s name to help identify the purchase. Also consider that the date on your Internet Banking is the ‘settled date’, which may be a few days after you originally made the purchase.
If you still don't recognise the transaction, call us immediately on 1300 55 72 72, visit www.boq.com.au/contact-us for our operating hours.

Lost or Stolen Card
If your card has been lost or stolen, call us immediately on 1300 55 72 72, visit www.boq.com.au/contact-us for our operating hours.. We can assist you with placing a block on your card.
If there is a chance you might find the card, we can temporarily block the card while you look for it. Otherwise, we can help arrange a new replacement card for you.

If you have received a phishing text message, email or phone call and provided personal information or bank details, call us immediately on 1300 55 72 72, visit www.boq.com.au/contact-us for our operating hours..
If you received a BOQ branded phishing text message, email or phone call, but did not provide personal information or bank details, please let us know via email at fraudandscamoperations@boq.com.au.

Report a Scam
Scam funds move quickly. If you are concerned you have fallen victim to a scam, please contact us straight away. We assist customers who have been scammed every day. Please act fast, call us, and we can try to help you recover your funds.
Call us immediately on 1300 55 72 72, visit www.boq.com.au/contact-us for our operating hours.. Read more about the different types of scams here.