On The Record - BOQ Responds To A Current Affair

Friday, 8 February 2019

Further to yesterday’s statement, BOQ unreservedly apologises for our failure to adequately respond to concerns about Mr Sean Cawley’s inappropriate behaviour. Additional information has emerged over the past 24 hours that is of significant concern to BOQ.  BOQ is embarrassed and deeply regrets it took as long as it did for us to suspend and exit this individual. We reiterate that we consider Mr Cawley’s conduct completely unacceptable.

BOQ’s Interim CEO, Anthony Rose, today announced BOQ will commission an independent review of the way BOQ investigates and responds to customer and employee allegations of behavioural misconduct.  We expect and aspire to a higher standard and this review will be an important step in ensuring we identify and deal with any inappropriate conduct swiftly and support impacted people in an empathetic manner.

BOQ is fully committed to providing those people impacted with all necessary support as well as undertaking a comprehensive investigation of any new allegations. Any customer or employee with a complaint should contact BOQ's independent Customer Advocate on customeradvocate@boq.com.au or 1300 935 131.