BOQ Specialist Changes

Tuesday, 30/06/2015

BOQ today announced some planned changes to the BOQ Specialist management structure with the head of the business Barry Lanesman and co-founder Andre Karney to transition to consultancy roles from October 2015. 

Group Executive of BOQ’s Business Bank Brendan White said that, with BOQ Specialist performing strongly as part of the broader Group for almost 12 months now, he had been working with Mr Lanesman and Mr Karney to prepare the business for its longer-term management structure. 

“The business is in a strong position with an established broader leadership team following a successful transition into BOQ and as such, Barry and Andre decided the time was right to take a step back from the day to day management of the business. The consultancy arrangement gives them this opportunity,” Mr White said. 

“Barry and Andre are both at the stage in their career and personal situations where this makes sense, and I have absolute confidence the business is in good hands given the strong leadership team that is in place.” 

Under their new consulting agreements, Mr Lanesman and Mr Karney will remain with BOQ Specialist for at least 12 months with options to stay longer. 

While Mr Lanesman, who is looking at options to implement the business model offshore, and Mr Karney will be able to consult elsewhere, appropriate competition restrictions are in place around the markets in which BOQ Specialist does business. 

Mr Lanesman and Mr Karney founded the business over 25 years ago, providing personal and commercial finance to medical professionals such as doctors, dentists and vets, as well as finance professionals. 

An internal and external search is being conducted for a new Head of BOQ Specialist.