6 Money Saving Tips For University Students
The start of another university year is looming for students across Australia, and many will be worrying about the toll it might have on their wallet.
Regardless of whether you're living on campus or staying at home, and whether you have a part-time job or not, making sure you have enough money to fund your student lifestyle can be a source of stress.
It doesn't have to be that way though - here are six simple tips to help you save money while you're studying!
1. Be savvy with textbooks
No student needs reminding of the ridiculous prices university bookshops tack onto 'required' textbooks.
While having the right resources is crucial to your studies, there is simply no need to pay full price for these books. Check out the used copies on offer at your university - these are essentially the exact same copies, just with a much lower price tag.
You can also easily source textbooks at secondhand bookshops and, in this digital world, it's incredibly easy to find bargains on the internet. The Book Depository, for example, is a UK-based retailer that offers free shipping around the world and has much more appealing prices than your university bookshop.
2. Make the most of your transport options
How you get to your classes every day will depend on how close you live to campus and the transport options available to you.
Almost every city in the world offers discounted public transport to students, so make sure you sign up to receive the relevant discounts from your university. If you prefer the private transport option, consider carpooling with friends who live close by.
And if you own a bike, there's really no good excuse not to use it to get to and from uni - you'll save loads of money in transport costs, keep fit and healthy and do your part to help the environment!
3. Sort out your finances and explore the options at your local BOQ branch
Banks are becoming increasingly student-friendly, so it pays to chat to your local BOQ Branch Manager and check out the products available. Being a student doesn't mean you have max out your credit cards!
Make sure any money you have to borrow has the lowest interest rates and any saving accounts you have are fee-free. If you do a bit of research you'll find a range of tools geared toward helping you save money.
4. Use the public library
As you will surely find out, the library isn't only a place for study.
Explore both your campus and public libraries and make the most of the free services they offer. Many provide free Wi-Fi and internet access, which can come in incredibly handy when you've used up the quota at your dorm!
You may even be able to find copies of your required texts at the local library, and for those times when you just want to chill out, you can rent a good movie or game.
5. Know how to buy food
You've most likely heard stories of students surviving off takeaways and instant noodles, but eating healthy doesn't have to cost a fortune.
The secret is knowing when and how to shop at the supermarket. Try and go just after you've had a large meal so your appetite is off and you're less likely to make impulse buys.
Supermarkets also stock the more expensive brands near the top of shelves while cheaper options are at the bottom - these are essentially the same foods at a fraction of the cost.
By buying your own groceries and cooking your own meals at home, you'll learn how to cook - an essential life skill for beyond university!
6. Get to know your local
The most obvious money guzzler for uni students is no doubt the local bar! Put a bit of planning into your pub crawls, and steer the crowd in the direction of the bar that offers student discounts, often referred to as Cheap Tuesday or Thirsty Thursday! Your wallet will thank you at the end of each week.