
3 Ways To Save Money On Holiday

For many people, the "What would I buy?" question that surfaces every time lotto reaches a new high sounds a lot more like "Where would I go?"

Because for many people, the only thing stopping them from jumping on the next plane to that tropical beach or that cosy ski chalet is simply a matter of dollars.

While we might not be able to help you win lotto, we’ll give you three of our top tips to keep the costs of your next holiday down so you’ll be ready to book your next one as soon as you get back!

Eat out of house and home

Holidays are a great time to treat yourself to no dishes, no prep time and having someone bring your dinners to you.

But is it necessary to eat at restaurants and cafes for every meal?

Food can be a pricey part of your trip, and when supermarkets are stocked with supplies for picnics, quick breakfasts and easy cold platter dinners, you can save yourself a bundle simply by not eating out for every meal.

Don’t forget your priorities

Before you go, figure out the parts of the holiday that are most important to you.

Is it all about a several-starred hotel, or is an event or attraction more vital to enjoying your trip? You might be surprised at the comfort of a small motel over a roomy hotel room, likewise the beach is free and a supersize king bed with room service might be just what you need!

Take it online

In Internet-land, everything is cheaper.

Remember that most activities, accommodation options and travel can all be bought online for a lower price without the middle man.

Always compare your options as well, as different providers will offer competitive rates for their services.

What are your best tips for saving money on holiday?