5 Steps To Help You Get Ready To Move House
No matter how many times you've moved house, the process never seems to get less stressful.
There's a lot you need to think about before you move house in Australia, and there's a lot to plan for that you might not have even thought about. But fret not - that's why we've put together these five need-to-know moving house tips for you.
1. Improve your home's selling chances with a makeover
Refresh your home with a new layer of paint to improve its potential value.
The process of moving house begins long before you put it on the market. Cosmetically, you want your home to look perfect to improve the potential value as well as give it a good chance to sell quickly.
Give your home a once over and see what needs an upgrade. Ensure all the walls, window trim, doors and the home's exterior receive a fresh lick of paint. If the carpet has stains or the floors are scratched, consider getting them redone. Otherwise, those viewing your house are going to see this as a way to ask for less money if it doesn't cause them to completely move on to a home in better condition.
Important note: Get your home inspected for mould before you put it on the market. It's good to do this at the start of the makeover process in case you need to do some renovations to remove the issue with plenty of time to fix it up.
2. Start decluttering the house months in advance
It's time to remove the clutter around the house, whether it be old home decor you've since replaced, or that junk drawer that's filled with useless miscellaneous items. Anything that hasn't seen the light of day in a while shouldn't be brought to your new space, so instead, host a moving sale and pick up some extra cash to help with the moving costs.
Getting rid of the things you don't need can help reduce the number of boxes you need on moving day and make you more organised for your new home.
3. Tell anyone and everyone of your moving house intentions
Even before that 'for sale' sign goes up you need to start informing people that you're moving. This isn't just friends and family, however - there's a whole list of people you need to make aware.
Children's school
Assuming you're moving into a new school district, you're going to need to inform the school that your kids will no longer be attending. A quick call to the main office should direct you to the right person to speak with. However, you might also want to chat with teachers or the principal to make a portfolio of the kid's work to help them transition into the new school easier.
Doctor's office
Make sure all the family's doctors are aware that you are moving - they might also be able to give you recommendations on a new office or GP as well.
Bank/credit card companies
Any entity that is sending you bills will need to know the exact date of your move so you can get all your new mail sent to the correct address. Forgetting to inform your credit card company of the move could result in late payments which could hurt your credit score.
Utilities companies
Power, water and cable/internet companies should be informed of your move so you don't keep getting those bills after you've moved out as well.
Important note: Don't forget to do the same in the new location - call the new school district, doctors and utilities to set them up with your new address.
4. Get help moving house.
Get professional movers to reduce risk of accidents and help alleviate stress on your family.
When you begin packing, make sure it is strategic. For example, keep your kitchen items together, and make sure to label each box so you know what is inside. You'll also want to mark a 'open first' box with items that you'll need right away (like cups, bowls and utensils or bedding essentials).
Ensure you hire professional moving help. They'll do the heavy lifting for you and, if they are a credible company, the team should be able to help reduce any property damage.
In case of an accident, it's a good plan to pick up some movers insurance as well!
5. Create a plan for how everything is going to look in the new house
Moving house can be a lot like Tetris - every box or piece of furniture can either help you, or hurt you as it all stacks up on each other. In order to avoid this, make sure you have an idea of where everything is going. You've already started this process assuming you've labelled all of your boxes, so it will be easy to direct them to the correct room.
For more information on how you can make a smooth transition when buying or selling a house in Australia, get in touch today.