Open your Everyday Account

Apply for an Everyday Transaction Account

Apply online

Scan to open an Everyday Transaction Account

or Scan the QR code to download the myBOQ app and get started

Why open an Everyday Account?

Our low fee transaction account available on the myBOQ app, that helps you spend smart with real-time payments, bill tracking and budgeting tools.

Everyday Account fees

No monthly account keeping fees

Zip! Zilch! You won't be charged any monthly account keeping fees or transaction fees within Australia*.

Safer banking

Bank securely

Keep your money safe with the myBOQ app. Enjoy features like biometric login, one-time PIN to prevent unauthorised changes, and in-app card controls to protect your cards.

Budget your money with an Everyday Account

Budgeting at your fingertips

Manage your money easily by setting spending budgets on specific categories, like groceries or bills. Get real time alerts and personalised insights on your money habits.

Use Osko with an Everyday Account

Real time payments

Tired of money taking days to move between banks? We've fixed that! Now you can instantly send and receive money within Australia using Osko and PayID.

Everyday Account digital wallet

Money on the go

Convenient and safe! Make your money mobile and pay on the go with  Apple Pay1, Samsung Pay2 or Google Pay.3

Track your bills with an Everyday Account

Track your bills

Never miss a payment. We’ll give you a heads-up when your bills and recurring transactions are due so you can make sure you’ve got the funds ready to go. 

Everyday Account on the myBOQ app

A transaction account to make everyday spending easy

Visa Debit card

Our Everyday Account comes with a BOQ Visa Debit Card for 'anywhere, anytime' shopping.

BOQ Visa Debit card features

Use your Visa Debit card internationally

Shop worldwide

Your debit card works wherever Visa and EFTPOS do. So, shopping online, in-store, over the phone and overseas suddenly becomes a breeze.

Environmentally concious Visa Debit card

Help save the planet

As well as a ton of features and benefits, we make your new debit card from 82% recycled plastic - so it's good for you and the planet! 

Visa zero liabilty policy

Fraud protection guaranteed

Visa's Zero Liability Policy guarantees that you won’t be held responsible for unauthorised charges made on your account . If you notice any unauthorised transactions on your statement, contact BOQ immediately.

Manage your spending

Card controls

Choose card controls to help you better manage your spending and security. Find out more.

Fees and Charges

$ 0 
No monthly account keeping fees
$ 0 
No withdrawal fees at BOQ ATMs* within Australia
$ 0 
No transaction fees within Australia *^
$ 0 
No overdrawn fees if you happen to overdraw your account *~

Ready for a new bank account? Start here.

  1. Grab your phone and scan the QR code
  2. Download the myBOQ app
  3. Apply for your Everyday Account
Scan to open an Everyday Transaction Account

And if you'd rather apply for your accounts online, that's easy too. 

Get my account online 

Before you apply for the Everyday Account

You will need:

  • to be aged over 14
  • to be the account holder (applications cannot be completed and submitted by an Executor/Administrator/Power of Attorney/Legal representative)
  • an Australian residential address
  • an Australian driver's licence or Australian passport
  • an Australian mobile number
  • a smartphone that supports iOS 14.0+ or Android 8.0+.

More information on card controls

Explore more savings and transaction accounts:


Future Saver Account

Our highest interest savings account for 14 to 35-year-olds. Meet the simple criteria to earn the bonus interest and watch your savings soar.

  • Available on the myBOQ app
  • No monthly account fees
  • Comes linked with an Everyday Transaction Account
  • Earn bonus interest each month when you meet the criteria**


Smart Saver Account

Our high interest savings account for customers 36 years or older.

  • Available on the myBOQ app
  • No monthly account fees
  • Comes linked with an Everyday Transaction Account
  • Earn bonus interest each month when you meet the bonus interest criteria**