As of 1 July 2018 BOQ ceased offering Retail Bonds and is no longer issuing new Bonds or rolling over existing Bonds.

The updated Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement is accessible via our website on our Terms and Conditions page. 

Selling Bank Bonds Before Maturity

If you're investing in bonds, you may not withdraw from your investment until your fixed term is up. However, you may sell your bonds in the secondary market for the current market price at the time of sale. Contact your stockbroker or financial advisor for assistance on selling BOQ bank bonds.


Term Interest rate (% p.a.)
$5,000 to $250,000 Quarterly


1 year 1.90 2.00
18 months 1.90 2.00
2 year 1.95 2.05
3 year 2.10 2.20
4 year 1.90 2.00
5 year 2.20 2.30

Interest is calculated daily and paid quarterly or yearly on BOQ investment bonds. At-Call interest rates are subject to change without notice. Effective 7th September 2020 At-Call bond rate is 0.25%.

Interest rates for investments starting from 30 days to 180 days are available from the Bond Registry. For details of investment amounts over $250,000 please contact the Bond Registry.