Future Saver Account

Our highest interest savings account for customers aged 14 - 35 years.

Learn about Future Saver

Tiers Base Rate Bonus Rate ** Highest Rate ***
$0 to $50,000 0.05% p.a. 5.20% p.a. 5.25% p.a. 
$50,000 to $250,000 0.05% p.a. 2.70% p.a. 2.75% p.a.
>$250,000 0.05% p.a. 0.00% p.a. 0.05% p.a.

Important Information

  • *** Highest Rate indicates the total interest rate that can be earned on your account and is the aggregate of the Base Rate and Bonus Rate.
  • ** Bonus Interest Rate will only apply for each calendar month whenever a minimum of $1,000 is deposited into your linked Everyday Account in the previous calendar month from an External Account and five or more direct debit transactions, BPAY payments, ATM withdrawals using your Card or purchases from a merchant using your Card are made from your linked Everyday Account in the previous calendar month (Transactions that are pending do not count as a transaction for the previous calendar month and will be counted in the following calendar month). Your linked Everyday Account must be in the same name (sole name account) or names (joint name accounts) as your Future Saver Account.
  • There is no interest earned on the Everyday Account.
  • Customers aged 14 to 17 have no minimum deposit or transaction criteria in order to qualify for the bonus interest rate.
  • Customers aged 18+ will earn the Base Rate any month you don't meet the Bonus Criteria.
  • The Future Saver Account will automatically convert to a Smart Saver Account on your 36th birthday.

Smart Saver Account

Our high-interest saver account for customers 36+ years of age

Learn about Smart Saver

Tiers Base Rate Bonus Rate ** Highest Rate ***
$0 to $250,000 0.05% p.a. 4.85% p.a. 4.90% p.a.
>$250,000 0.05% p.a. 0.00% p.a. 0.05% p.a.

Important Information

  • *** Highest Rate indicates the total interest rate that can be earned on your account and is the aggregate of the Base Rate and Bonus Rate.
  • ** Bonus Interest Rate will only apply for each calendar month whenever a minimum of $1,000 is deposited into your linked Everyday Account in the previous calendar month from an External Account and five or more direct debit transactions, BPAY payments, ATM withdrawals using your Card or purchases from a merchant using your Card are made from your linked Everyday Account in the previous calendar month (Transactions that are pending do not count as a transaction for the previous calendar month and will be counted in the following calendar month). Your linked Everyday Account must be in the same name (sole name account) or names (joint name accounts) as your Smart Saver Account.
  • There is no interest earned on the Everyday Account.
  • Your account will earn the Base Rate any month you don't meet the Bonus Criteria.

Simple Saver Account

Our online savings account with no fuss and no hoops, just simple savings.

Learn about Simple Saver

Tiers Interest Rate
$0 to $5,000,000 4.55% p.a.
$5,000,000 + 0.05% p.a.

Fast Track Starter Account 

Our youth savings account for 14 - 24 years old.

Fast Track Starter Account



Base + Bonus Interest variable rate % p.a.^

Applies when $200 is deposited to your linked Day2Day Plus Account, in the prior month

Base variable rate % p.a.
$1 to $10,000  2.75
$10,000.01 to $250,000 2.25

Important Information

  • Deposit a minimum of $200 into your linked Day2Day Plus Account each month from an external source- like your pay; and
  • Make 5 or more eligible transactions from your linked Day2Day Plus Account each month such as settled Visa Debit Card or eftpos card purchases, ATM withdrawals or direct debits
  • Earn Total Interest 2.75% p.a. up to $10,000 in the following month on your Fast Track Starter Account balances 
  • For balances between $10,000 and $250,000 earn Total Interest 2.25%p.a. and for balances over $250,000 the Base Rate of 0.05% p.a. applies
  • Your account will earn the Base Rate in the month that you open it and any month you don't meet the Bonus Criteria
  • The Fast Track Starter Account will automatically convert to a Fast Track Saver Account on your 25th Birthday. 

Fast Track Saver Account

Get award winning confidence for your savings.

Fast Track Saver Account



Base + Bonus Interest variable rate % p.a.^

Applies when $1,000 is deposited to your linked Day2Day Account, in the prior month

Base variable rate % p.a.
$1 to $250,000

Important Information

  • Deposit a minimum of $1000 into your linked Day2Day Plus Account each month from an external source- like your salary; and
  • Make 5 or more eligible transactions from your linked Day2Day Plus Account each month such as settled Visa Debit Card or eftpos card purchases, ATM withdrawals or direct debits
  • Earn Total Interest 2.50% p.a. in the following month on your Fast Track Saver Account balances 
  • For balances over $250,000 the Base Rate of 0.05% p.a. applies
  • Your account will earn the Base Rate in the month that you open it and any month you don't meet the Bonus Criteria

WebSavings Account®

Save faster with our online savings account.

Learn about Websavings

Account type Variable Interest rate % p.a. 
$0 to less than $1,999
Variable Interest rate % p.a. 
$2,000 and over*

WebSavings Account



4 Month Introductory special offer

WebSavings Account



Bonus Interest Savings Account
(and Kids Savings Account)

Earn bonus interest with our interest earning savings account.

Bonus Interest Savings

Kids Savings Account

Balance Variable Base interest rate % p.a. Variable Base and Bonus interest rate+ % p.a. 

$1 to $4,999



$5,000 to $49,999



$50,000 and over



Money Market Deposit Account#

Easy settlement of your trades. For BOQ Trading customers.

Money Market Deposit

Balance Interest rate % p.a.
$1 and over Contact DDH Graham