3 ways you can be more sustainable with your money
We can all play our part to do better for the environment. If you’ve got your favourite KeepCup for your morning coffee, reusable bags for your groceries, and a compost bin for food scraps at home, but still wondering how you can do more, here are some ways BOQ can help you be more sustainable with your money.
Switch to paperless statements
Since December 2021, we’ve reduced the frequency of our paper bank statements from monthly to every six months.
We’ve estimated this change saves more than 2 million sheets of paper per year, and approximately 280 tonnes of yearly greenhouse gas emissions – which is the equivalent of taking 140 cars off the road or driving more than 64 times around Australia!
If you want to do more, you can make the full switch to paperless statements on all of your BOQ accounts.
How can I switch to paperless statements?
Switching to paperless statements is easy! You can update your preferences by registering for e-statements on each of your BOQ accounts via internet banking, or by visiting your local BOQ branch.
Open an Everyday Account and use our recycled debit card
In August 2021, BOQ became the first bank in Australia to issue Visa debit cards made from 82% recycled plastics to our customers. The change prevents 3.5 tonnes of waste from going to landfill.
Plastic waste is one of the top social and environmental issues that concerns most Australians. And with good reason. On average, Australians use 100 kg of plastic per person each year. This waste has devastating effects, with 130,000 tonnes of the plastic we consume each year leaking into the environment.
How can I get a recycled debit card?
Our Everyday Account comes with a 82% recycled plastic Visa debit card, so you can happily tap away while being environmentally conscious.
Each Visa debit card is made up of a chip and antenna, which can’t be recycled, and the remaining 82% of the card is made from 99% recycled material. Any manufacturing leftovers are turned into park benches, fences and flooring, with help from our partner Placard.
You can easily apply for an Everyday Account on the myBOQ app.
Ditch the cards altogether with myBOQ
myBOQ is BOQ’s digital banking platform, that allows you to manage your money through your phone and digital wallet. That means no cards, no printed statements – everything you need is right in the palm of your hand.
If you have a myBOQ account, the myBOQ app also lets you track and set budgets for your spending, set multiple savings goals, and grow your savings through features like Round Ups1.
How can I apply for a myBOQ account?
Signing up for a myBOQ account is simple and takes no longer than 5 minutes if you have your information ready. Simply download the myBOQ app from the App Store or Google Play and follow the instructions.
Make some switches for extra savings
Sometimes the small, sustainable switches can save you money in the long run too. We know that a reusable coffee cup often receives a small discount from coffee shops, but there are other products around your house you can switch up for a long-term saving.
That’s a wrap on soft plastics
Buying reusable silicone covers or beeswax food wraps instead of glad wrap means you’ll never get caught short, and it’s one less item you need from your grocery shop.
Re-fill and re-use
From cosmetics to kitchen cleaning products, there are plenty of brands now offering refill products, so you don’t need to buy more plastic casing for your soaps, washing powders, skincare, and more. Usually, the refill products are slightly cheaper than those with packaging too.
To take things up a notch, you could find a local bulk wholefoods store near you, where you can take your own containers to stock up on items like flour, nuts, dishwashing liquid, and more.
Grow your own vegetables and herbs
There is no sweeter feeling than popping out to your own veggie patch to pick some fresh produce that you grew for a small price and some patience. By growing fruits, vegetables and herbs you eat regularly (in the right climate), you won’t just reduce your regular shopping bill, but also reduce the waste of unwanted food going off in your fridge or fruit bowl.
Bees also love herb gardens when they’re in flower, so growing varieties of lavender, rosemary, oregano, basil, even dill and parsley – will do well for your plate and the planet.
To find out more about how we’re committed to reducing our environmental impact, check out the sustainability section of our website.
Start banking with myBOQ
myBOQ makes managing your money easier than ever. Open an Everyday Account in under 5 minutes.
Important information
Conditions, Criteria and Fees Apply. You should obtain and consider the products terms and conditions available online or through the myBOQ app before making any decision about whether to acquire or continue to hold it.
1. Round Ups are transfers that you can choose to activate on your Everyday Account(s). When you enable this feature on your Everydyay Account, funds are transferred to your nominated savings account each time you make a card transaction. The amount of the transfer will be up to the nearest $1 of the amount that the transaction takes place. Round Up transactions will not take place if your account would be overdrawn by making the transaction. Each Round Up transfer will be done when a transaction is processed as pending on your account. As some transactions may occur offline, the Round Up transfer will only take place when the transaction information is received. Pending transactions could also potentially not be debited by the merchant; in that case the round-up will not be reversed. You can disable the Round Up feature through the myBOQ app at any time.