Top tips to save money and get overseas sooner
Sick with jealousy of the Instagram stories from friends swimming off the Croatian coast? In those situations, it can seem impossible to truly take off for the great unknown. But with these handy tips, you'll have one foot on the plane before you know it.
1. Plan and pay in advance
One way to save money (and stress) is to book your big ticket items well in advance. While some people will tell you there is a specific day or time to book and fly that gets you the best deal, this appears to be a bit of a myth.
According to The Points Guy, international travellers will have the best luck monitoring prices six to seven months before their desired travel date. When it comes to booking, the sweet spot is within three to five months of your trip.
2. Search off the beaten track
Your Japan holiday doesn't have to centre around Tokyo. How cool would it be to go somewhere your friends haven't even heard of?
With relatively cheap domestic travel options in most countries, spendingyour trip off the beaten track can reduce your savings target immensely. In these cases it's best to let your interests guide your final destination.
Where is the best wine region in Switzerland? Where in Japan is your favourite Anime series set? Finding the answer to questions like these with TikTok or google could set you on track to a trip highlight.
3. Cut your local routine
Going beyond those coffees and bringing your lunch to work - there's a lot more saving you can do while you prepare for a trip.
Think about alternatives to your gym membership, deleting UberEats from your phone - even moving houses if your rent is a big impediment. If you''rre buying your lunch every day - start meal prepping and taking your lunch in. Pause that wine subscription - you have plenty on the shelf already. Forgoeing that second coffee here, could buy you an espresso by the steps of the Trevi Fountain.
4. Break your goals down
If you know when and where you want to go overseas, you have everything you need for a savings plan. Try not to focus on the end goal too much - that's going to be a big number, and seem unachievable.
Break it down into how much you need to save each payday, and compare that amount to your 'luxury' spending. Try reading our tips on goal setting to help yoy get started.
Start saving with myBOQ FutureSaver
Create up to nine different savings account and reach your goals sooner with a FutureSaver account on the myBOQ app.