Top Tips to Surviving Moving Day

Your long-awaited moving day has arrived at last! You’ve jumped through all the hoops and over all the hurdles and you’ve got your unconditional loan approval. Now your very first home is ready and waiting for you.

But surviving moving day can be another beast entirely.

Here we share our best tips for surviving moving day with enough energy and enthusiasm leftover to really enjoy your first night in your new home.

Plan ahead

Before you move, think about all of the services you’ll need connected before you can comfortably use the home. Do you need to transfer your internet account? Hook up gas or electricity? Have an air conditioner installed or serviced? Make sure you tick off these all-important steps to ensure your first few nights in your new house really do feel like ‘home’.

Label every box

Many of us have made the mistake of assuming we’ll remember what’s in a packing bag or box, only to find ourselves rummaging through countless piles of stuff before finding that much-needed blanket or saucepan. Ensure you label every box clearly, including what’s inside and which room it belongs in.

Enlist pet/babysitters

We love our children and our pets, but neither are helpful on moving day. (Unless, of course, you have children who are old enough to help). Dogs may not be as helpful and the revolving door of moving day could put them at risk of getting underfoot, getting out or getting lost.

Consider dropping both human and fur children off at a friend’s house on moving day. It could make a huge difference to your stress levels. And you’ll be able to leave doors and gates open for easy access, without worrying about any escape artists.

Start early

Like most physical endeavours, moving always takes longer than we first anticipate. Avoid the late-night nuisance of dragging boxes up the driveway and under torchlight past your (and your neighbours’) bedtime by setting an early alarm, filling up that coffee mug and launching into the job.

Manage your stress on the day

Write a checklist of all your tasks so you can ensure a smooth process and avoid last-minute worries. Throughout the day, remind yourself and your team to take short breaks, hydrate and refuel, and step outside for some fresh air whenever you’re feeling overwhelmed. Wear comfortable clothing and closed-in shoes and don’t forget to take photos to capture the special day.

Delegate tasks

Most of us have experienced the chaos of too many cooks in the moving day kitchen. If you have friends or family members helping you, give every person a set task and avoid everyone working in the same space at the same time. Delegating will also ensure you make efficient progress while keeping your stress at bay.

Pack an overnight bag

While you may think it makes sense to pack your bath towel with the linen and the TV remote with your cords, it’s not going to make for a fun first night if you have to dig through every box for your essentials. Pack an overnight bag with vital toiletries (and toilet paper), pyjamas, a change of clothes, fresh underwear, phone chargers, the TV remote, a first-aid kit and disposable plates and cutlery so there’s no added stress to unpack immediately.

Thank your team

If you had friends, family members or colleagues lending a hand, treat them to a beer or shout them takeaways after a long moving day. They’ll appreciate the gesture, plus it’ll keep them on side for next time you move house!


Read more: 5 Steps to Help You Get Ready for Moving Day

If you’d like advice on getting started with a new home loan, pop into your local BOQ branch and chat with one of our lending experts today. They’re always happy to help!