• How much transaction history can I view online?

    The Search Transaction History function in Internet Banking enables you to search any of your registered accounts by one or more criteria.

    For non-credit card accounts, Internet Banking maintains history of your transactions for a minimum of 12 months after they were carried out.

    For credit card accounts, the transaction list will display all unstatemented transactions (transactions which occurred after the date of your last statement) as well as the transactions from your last three statements. It does not include any authorised transactions that have not yet been processed. If you access the Other Card Functions via Internet Banking you can download your previous statements in PDF format for the last 12 months. If you require details of more transactions, please contact the Customer Contact Centre on 1300 55 72 72.

    Please Note: The transaction history is not an official statement and is subject to change. For loan accounts, the entry described as FEE CAPITALISATION affects the balance of the loan account. The entry/entries that appear immediately before this transaction describe the fees capitalised and do not affect the balance of the loan account.

  • How can I view receipt numbers for previously completed transactions?

    You can view prior transaction details by selecting the 'Transfer & Pay' option from the top menu of Internet Banking, followed by the 'Past Payments History' option. You will then see a list of your previous transactions.

    To view a specific transaction’s details, select ‘view' from its respective action menu.

  • Why does my regular statement include the same transactions as the statement I previously requested via Internet Banking?

    The statement requested via Internet Banking is a 'snapshot statement'. It includes all transactions carried out since the previous regular statement was issued up to the date of the Internet Banking request.

    The 'snapshot statement' will not have any effect on the transactions that appear on the regular statement. The regular statement will include all transactions carried out since the previous regular statement was issued.

  • Can I export my balance and transaction history into other applications?

    Yes. After you complete a Transaction History search in Internet Banking you will be presented with the option to Export All or Viewed Transaction History. This function allows transaction information to be exported in external file formats for import into all major personal financial management applications.

  • Why do I need to click 'open' twice when I am exporting my transaction history?

    This is controlled by the browser and not Internet Banking. The settings required vary based on individual customer circumstances - such as your browser settings, security settings or the version and patch level of your browser and operating system.

  • Why do I not see my selected date range of transactions when I export the transactions?

    Irrespective of the date range you select, you must first view all of the specified transaction history on the screen before the transactions will be included in your export. To view all your selected transactions continue to click on the 'Next Page' button until the button is disabled (greyed out) or change the list size using the options to the bottom-right of the search results.

  • Can I view the running balance on my credit card transaction history?

    No, you can only view running balances for all non-credit card accounts.