Sick Kids Grab $10k Cash for Charity

Wednesday, 02/07/2008

Sick and injured children joined AFL legend Luke Power and Bank of Queensland executives today to launch the fourth annual Banking on our Kids appeal, which runs throughout July and raises money for Children’s Hospital Foundations Australia (CHFA).
Seven-year-old Jessica Johnson and nine-year-old Morgan Marshall, who are both being treated at the Royal Children’s Hospital in Brisbane, had a blast grabbing fifty dollar notes in the cash grab machine, which was provided by Bank of Queensland to kick start the Banking on our Kids appeal. 

In the end, BOQ Group Executive People and Corporate Services Dan Musson donated the entire $10,000 contents of the machine saying the kids, and the hospitals that worked so hard to help make their lives better, really deserved it. 

“Jessica and Morgan managed to get their hands on quite a bit of money and it looked like a lot of fun,” Dan said. 

“After meeting some of the children who have come down from the hospital to watch the cash grab, we’ve decided to give the whole lot – all $10,000 – to CHFA because we think they deserve it and we want to show just how serious we are about raising money for sick and injured kids. 

“In 2007, we raised just over $90,000 in one month which was a fantastic effort, but this year we want to raise more than $100,000. 

“Throughout the month of July, people can drop in to any BOQ branch and buy a $2 Helping Heart card or just give whatever small – or large – change they have in their pockets or wallets,” he said. 

Banking on our Kids ambassador and AFL legend Luke Power was on standby to help the kids in the cash grab machine in case they need an extra set of hands. 

“I’m excited to have the opportunity to be here to help kick off Banking on our Kids because it is such an important appeal to be a part of,” Luke said. 

“Earlier this year, BOQ chief David Liddy and I came down to the hospital to meet some of the amazing kids who are treated here, some of whom are here again today. 

“Meeting children like Banking on our Kids ambassadors, who have been through so much at such a young age, makes you understand just how important children’s hospitals actually are. 

“These amazing kids spend so much time in hospital and are so reliant on the facilities and medication available at these hospitals, and yet they maintain a positive outlook and keep smiling through the pain – they really are superheroes.” 

CHFA is a unique partnership of the five major hospital foundations in New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia and South Australia.