BOQ Nambour Pays it Forward to Local Cafe!

Thursday, 02/07/2009

Bank of Queensland Nambour Owner-Manager, Gina Van Wezel stepped into Holly’s Coffee House this week and as part of her ‘pay it forward’ campaign and shouted every one in the café their meal.

Gina said the café was nearly full yesterday when she visited her first recipient of the pay it forward campaign.

“Paying it forward gave me such a buzz that I actually returned later in the day to do it again!” she said.

“It’s my way of saying thank you to Kim at Holly’s Coffee House for her loyalty and support by paying it forward to her customers.”

“It would now be great to see the people who saved their cash in Holly’s Coffee House to spend that money in another store in town to keep the economy turning in Nambour!”

Gina has another five businesses to surprise over the next month by paying it forward to their customers.

“Whoever is in one of the randomly picked stores at the time I walk in will have their goods or services paid for by me,” Gina said.

Gina got the idea to ‘pay it forward’ from a movie of the same name where a young boy attempts to make the world a better place after his teacher gives him a chance.